2018年12月15日 星期六


Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following short talk.

         ( 請點選按鈕 )
Welcome to the Green Forest National Wildlife Reserve!
We are located in the heart of the Green Forest National Park in the south central Stony Mountains. The Green Forest National Wildlife Reserve is 388 hectares in size, and encompasses an outstanding variety of flora and fauna, including the nearly extinct yellow anteater, as well as over 20 species of extremely rare orchids. The Wildlife Reserve is located less than 40 kilometers from the nearest town, but can only be accessed by four-wheel drive due to adverse road conditions. During the wet season it pours, and the road often disappears entirely, so please contact our regional office to get an update on recent conditions prior to planning your journey.
It is only possible to visit the Green Forest National Reserve if booked on a private tour. A variety of companies are based in Khulna, the provincial capital, and offer three-day to one-week options. Accommodation in the park is primarily in eco-friendly tent camps. Camp authorities ask that no trash is left behind, and failure to do so will result in a $20,000 fine. Visitors during the wet season are also asked to beware of the poisonous tree snake. For more information about reserve weather conditions, visiting, or wildlife, please contact our regional office in Khulna (780-444-4844), or visit our website at www.greenforestreserve.org.

我們位於中南部石山綠森林國家公園的中心處。綠森林國家野生保護區佔地388公頃, 內有極多種類的動植物包括有瀕臨絕種的黃種食蟻獸, 也有超過20種的極稀有的蘭花品種。野生保育區座落在距鄰近城鎮40公里不到之處, 但由於路況不佳只有四輪傳動車才能到。雨季期間路面通常會淹沒在大雨中, 所以在你安排旅途之前, 請連絡我們的區辦公室獲得最新情況。
只有預定私人導覽才可參觀綠森林國家保護區。各類的旅行社都在省都孟加拉且提供三天至一周的旅遊選擇。園區中的住宿主要有以不破壞環境為主的帳篷露營區。露營區單位要求旅客帶走所有的垃圾, 未遵守規則者, 將被處以罰金$20,000。雨季期間的訪客也要提防毒蛇出沒。如需更多相關保護區內的天氣狀況、探訪、或野生動植物的資訊, 請與我們孟加拉的區辦公室連絡(780-444-4844)或請上網站www.greenforestreserve.org。
Question 1.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
Which of the following is not listed as a potential problem for visitors during the wet season?
 (A) Heavy rain.
 (B) The road may be washed away.
 (C) Dangerous animals.
 (D) Getting lost.(正解)

解析:文章中提及雨季期間不便之處共有三樣, 大雨、道路被大雨淹沒以及毒蛇。所以答案為D。
Question 2.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
Where are you most likely to read this?
 (A) In a brochure for the Green Forest National Wildlife Reserve.(正解)
 (B) In a news broadcast about the Green Forest National Wildlife Reserve.
 (C) In a travel book about the Green Forest National Wildlife Reserve.
 (D) On the website for the Green Forest National Wildlife Reserve.

解析:文章除介紹保護區的各項旅遊及交通資訊之外, 還在最後介紹規則及網站、電話等連絡方式, 這類訊息通常都在介紹手冊及宣傳單中出現, 所以答案為A。
Question 3.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
Which statement about the Green Forest National Wildlife Reserve is false?
 (A) The park is isolated and cannot be accessed individually.
 (B) Park authorities try to keep the reserve clean.
 (C) You must apply to the regional office for permission to visit.(正解)
 (D) The park contains very rare plants and animals.

解析:文章中提及到達方式只有四輪傳動車可及園區, 答案A不符; 園區祭出罰金要求訪客勿留垃圾, 答案B不符;園區中有稀有品種的食蟻獸及蘭花, 答案D不符; 所以答案為C。
Questions 4 through 6 refer to the following short talk.

         ( 請點選按鈕 )
Do you hate getting out of bed to turn off the light at night? Do you ever get lost in the dark in your bedroom? Are you very short and can't reach those annoying switches on the wall? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then we have THE product for you!

The Clapper was one of the most innovative inventions of the 1980s, and to this day over 1 million homes in America and the world have been improved by this most useful little contraption. The clapper can be fitted to nearly any electrical device, but most of our customers use it for lamps or other lighting devices. Follow the set-up instructions in the manual, and before you know it, your life will be improved ten fold! As our slogan goes, "Clap on!" and your lights are on, and "Clap off" and off they go! All it takes is two claps of the hands, and say goodbye to all that frustration caused by moving around in the dark!
Today we are offering a one-time only offer of one Clapper in original packaging, plus a free gift of coupon booklets for your favorite fast food chains, for only $29.95! Call now with your credit card ready and we will meet your needs while supplies last.
*Shipping and handling an additional $20. Taxes an additional $10. Shipping takes 3-4 working days.

你討厭晚上得從床上爬起來關燈嗎?你曾經在暗黑的房間裡找不到方向嗎?你是否很矮而碰不到牆上的開關?假如你對以上任何一個問題的答案是YES, 那我們則有你需要的唯一產品。
The Clapper是1980年最為創新的發明。直到今日, 美國有超過一百萬個家庭在使用, 而且因為這個最好用的新奇裝備這個世界變得更進步。The Clapper幾乎適用於任何一種電器裝置用品。只是我們大部份的顧客用於檯燈及其他燈光裝置居多。跟著只是手動安裝, 在你察覺之前, 你的生活將被大大改善, 正如我們的標語, '一拍即亮'然後燈就亮了,'一拍即暗' 然後燈就暗了, 您所需的一切就是手拍兩下, 然後跟得在暗黑的房間移動所帶來的不滿說拜拜。
只有今天, 凡購買 一個原裝的Clapper即贈送你喜歡的速食餐廳的折價卷, 只要$29.95元, 準備好你的信用卡馬上打電話, 我們將會滿足你的需求。
*送貨及安裝另收$20, 貨物稅額外加收$10, 貨物抵達需3-4個工作天。
Question 4.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
What information do you learn from the final remarks at the end of the advertisement?
 (A) You cannot place your order for another 3-4 working days.
 (B) The cost of the product is in fact $30, not $29.95.
 (C) That shipping and handling is included in the original price.
 (D) That shipping and handling is not included in the original price.(正解)
(B)商品價格實為30, 而非29.95元。

解析:廣告的最後部份談到另加收的費用, 所以答案為D。
Question 5.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
According to this ad, all except for which problem will the clapper alleviate?
 (A) Inability to reach the light switches.
 (B) Inability to find switches in the dark.
 (C) Dysfunctional light switches on the wall.(正解)
 (D) Having to get out of bed to switch off the light.
根據這篇廣告, 所有選項中哪一項煩惱是The Clapper無法減少的?

解析:在廣告的第一段, 提到答案A, B及C, 未提及產品可以替換壞掉的電燈裝置, 所以答案為C。
Question 6.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
Which of the following is not a step in purchasing and operating this device?
 (A) Follow the enclosed instructions to fit to an electrical device.
 (B) Order over the telephone using a credit card.
 (C) Use the enclosed free coupons at your favorite fast food restaurant.(正解)
 (D) Clap your hands.

解析:購買及操作裝置的步驟不包括贈送品部份, 所以答案為C。
Questions 7 through 9 refer to the following short talk.

         ( 請點選按鈕 )
N.V. Kembel was born in 1981 in Vancouver, Canada, and has become one of the most widely read authors in the world today. Most renowned for his bestselling hit Psychedelic Love, he has sold 68 million books worldwide, which have been translated into 58 languages. He has published a total of 10 titles, 7 of which have sold over a million books each. He is the recipient of a variety of awards, including the Reader's Review Award for Achievement in Literature.
Kembel was born to German and French parents, and grew up speaking English and French. Upon completion of his BA in Anthropology and Religious studies, he traveled the world for many years and began to publish blogs detailing his travels. His blogs became so popular that he began to expand them into full texts, and his writing career caught on from there. He currently resides in Taipei, Taiwan where he is working on mastering the Chinese language, and is happily married with 2 children. He plans to retire early and build a dream house in the tropics. N.V. Kembel is a writer to inspire all.

N.V. Kembel 1981年出生在加拿大溫哥華, 現已成為世上作品最為廣泛閱讀的作家之一。他的作品中最暢銷的是 Psychedelic Love。 已在全球銷售達6千8百萬冊,被翻譯成58種語言。他一共出版10本, 其中7本單本已銷售超過一百萬冊。他獲得大大小小各種獎項,包括讀者論壇所授已的文學成就獎。
Kembel的雙親來自於德國及法國,長大後則說英文及法文。一完成大學人類學及宗教研究學位, 他便環遊世界多年, 而後開始在部落格上詳述旅行種種。他的部落格變得受歡迎, 因此他便開始將之延伸而書寫成冊, 而後他的寫作生涯從此展開。他現今定居在台灣台北學習中文, 且婚姻幸福育有兩子。他計畫要提早退休並在熱帶國家蓋一間夢想中的小屋。 N.V. Kembel 是位激發人心的作家。
Question 7.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
Where are you most likely to find this piece of writing?
 (A) In a book review of Kembel's most recent publication.
 (B) In an academic journal.
 (C) On the inside of the book cover of one of Kembel's books.(正解)
 (D) In Kembel's autobiography.

詳解:此篇文章簡單闡述作者生平及寫作經驗,正確答案為C; 由於內容過於簡短, 而非自傳 (答案D); 書評(答案A)最大的目的則用於討論某作品的內容好壞及感言,因此答案A不符; 學術期刊則用於發表論文或研究成果,答案B也不符。
Question 8.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
Which of the following accomplishments has Kembel not achieved?
 (A) Published a bestseller.
 (B) Built a dream home in the tropics.(正解)
 (C) Finished university.
 (D) Studied three different languages.

詳解:根據文章的最後一部份, 答案B為作家Kembel未來退休後要做的事, 所以答案為B.
Question 9.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
Which of the following statements is false?
 (A) Kembel's writing career began with travel blogs.
 (B) Kembel is the most renowned author in the world.(正解)
 (C) Chinese is Kembel's third language.
 (D) Kembel's books have been translated into 58 languages.

解析: 答案B提及Kembel是最世上出名的作家, 但文章卻提及Kemble只是作品有名的作家之一而已, 故答案為B為錯誤敘述。
Questions 10 through 12 refer to the following short talk.

         ( 請點選按鈕 )
The Euro is the second most traded currency in the world after the US dollar. With a total of €790 billion in printed bills and coinage, it surpasses the latter in terms of total value in circulation. While it is the official currency of the European Union, it is in fact only used by 15 of the total 27 member states, collectively referred to as the 'Eurozone', plus an additional 5 non-member European nations. Over 300 million Europeans therefore use the currency on a daily basis. In addition, another 175 million people worldwide use currencies that are pegged at the Euro, most of whom are located in Africa. These factors make the Eurozone into what is considered the world's second largest economy. Like the American dollar, the Euro is divided into 100 cents, and coins are produced in€2, 1€, 50cent, 20cent, 10cent, 5cent, 2cent, and 1cent denominations. Banknotes are issued for the amounts of€5, €10, €20, €50, €100, €200, and even€500, but the latter 2 denominations are quite rare and not even issued in some European nations.

位居排名第一美金之後, 歐元是世界上流通性第二名的主要貨幣. 歐元擁有總價7900億的紙鈔及銅幣, 超過了現今在貨幣流通的價值性。歐元是歐盟的官方貨幣, 事實上27個會員國中也只有15個正在使用, 另外再加上五個非歐盟會員國, 統稱為'歐元區'。因此有超過3億個歐洲人口日常生活都使用此幣。此外, 在全球另有1億7千5百萬人口的貨幣因歐元價值而跟著浮動,這些使用人口大部份都在非洲。 這些因素使得歐元區被視為全球第二大經濟體。就像美金一樣, 歐元被細分成100分錢, 銅幣則被製造有2歐、1歐、50分、20分、10分、5分、2分及1分歐元。紙鈔發行的金額則有5歐、10歐、20歐、50歐、100歐、200歐甚至500歐。而最後兩種單位幣值相當少見, 有些歐洲國家甚至沒有發行。
Question 10.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
What is one thing that the Euro and the US dollar do not have in common?
 (A) They are divided into cents.
 (B) Many other world currencies are pegged to their value.
 (C) They are the most traded currencies in the world.
 (D) They currently have printed denominations as high as 500.(正解)

詳解:文章只有提到歐元紙鈔發行的最大單位為500歐, 與美金共同之處只在於銅幣都一樣有細分至100分錢, 所以答案為D.
Question 11.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
Which statement is correct?
 (A) The Euro is the official currency of every country in Europe.
 (B) The Euro is the official currency of every country in the European Union.
 (C) The Euro is the official currency of every country in the Eurozone.(正解)
 (D) The Euro is official currency of every country in the world.

詳解:文章中提及全球只有17個歐盟會員國再加另5個非會員國使用歐元, 這些國家合稱'Eurozone歐元區', 所以答案為C。
Question 12.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
Which of the following is not mentioned in the article?
 (A) The exchange rates of the Euro.(正解)
 (B) The distribution of countries officially using the Euro.
 (C) The various denominations of the Euro.
 (D) The total amount of currency in circulation.

解析:文章中主要在介紹歐元的使用國家有哪些、歐元的貨幣流通以及歐元的發行單位有哪些, 只有答案A未被提及, 所以答案為A。
Questions 13 through 15 refer to the following short talk.

         ( 請點選按鈕 )
Thank you for calling Star Airlines. Due to a high volume of calls, we are unable to take your call at the moment. Please listen carefully to the following options so that we may transfer your call. If you know the three-digit extension number of the person you are trying to reach, please enter it now.
If you do not know the extension number, please listen to the following directions.
For reservations and bookings please press 1.
To cancel or make changes to an existing booking, please press 2.
For daily flight departure and arrival times, please press 3.
For questions regarding our travel packages, please press 4.
To find out more about Shooting Star Airlines last minute deals, please press 5.
For all other concerns, please stay on the line and an operator will be with you shortly. At the moment you are caller number 7, and we estimate that it will be twenty minutes before your call is answered. Your questions may also be answered on our website, so please visit us at www.starairlines.com. Thank you for choosing Star Airlines, and we hope you have a nice day.

感謝你來電Star Airlines, 由於大量的來電, 我們目前無法接聽你的電話, 請仔細聆聽以下的選項, 我們會轉接你的來電, 假如你知道你要找的人3個數字的分機號碼, 請現在輸入號碼, 假使你不知道分機號碼,請聽下列指示。
想知道更多Star Airlines的最後特價, 請按5。
所有其他相關, 請在線上等候, 總機將立即為您服務, 此時你的等候順序是第7個。我們估計等候時間將為20分鐘。在我們的網站也提供您問題的解答, 所以請上我們的網站www.starairlines.com。感謝您選擇Star Airlines, 祝您有個美好的一天。
Question 13.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
If your friend is flying into your city tonight, but you are not sure what time he lands, which option will you choose on the recording?
 (A) 1.
 (B) 2.
 (C) 3.(正解)
 (D) 4.
假如您朋友搭乘今天飛往台北的班機, 但您不確定他的抵達時間, 你會選擇電話錄音中的哪一個選項?

解析:根據語音指示, 若要查看班機抵達時間, 請按3, 所以答案為C。
Question 14.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
Why did this recording come on when the call was made?
 (A) Because the office is closed right now.
 (B) Because many people are trying to call at the same time.(正解)
 (C) Because the airlines does not like to answer the phone.
 (D) Because you did not check the website first.

解析:根據文章第一段, 由於大量來電, 總機無法接電話, 才會轉入語音指示, 所以答案為B。
Question 15.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
Which of the following is not an option provided to avoid waiting for over twenty minutes to speak to an operator?
 (A) Choose one of the numerical options.
 (B) Go on the Internet and check the website to answer your question.
 (C) Try calling again at a later time.(正解)
 (D) Enter an extension number if you know it.
為了避免超過半小時的等候總機時間, 下列哪一選項在文中未提及?

解析:文章中最後一段, 建議為節省等候時間, 請上網站查看問題的回答, 所以答案為C。

