With the cost of health care continually on the rise, more and more people are seeking alternative forms of treatment. Many have discovered the ancient Chinese healing art of acupressure. Acupressure works by applying digital pressure to certain key points on the skin to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities. Scientific evidence shows that the body is controlled by a bioelectrical system that is connected to every organ, gland and nerve. When these channels become blocked, the body starts to malfunction and illness occurs. By using simple massaging techniques, these blockages are opened up and more oxygen and blood flow freely to the afflicted areas. This causes the muscles to relax and toxins to be released and eliminated. The body begins to heal itself. Acupressure has provided relief for such ailments as headaches, eyestrain, back pain, anxiety, ulcers, asthma and even deafness. Indeed, some experts claim that acupressure is a dynamic, often miraculous, approach to glowing health. Foremost among the advantages of acupressure is that it is safe to perform. There are no side effects from drugs for all you need is your own two hands. Best of all, you can practice acupressure any time, anywhere. With the cost of health care continually on the rise, more and more people are seeking alternative forms of treatment. Many have discovered the ancient Chinese healing art of acupressure. Acupressure works by applying digital pressure to certain key points on the skin to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities. Scientific evidence shows that the body is controlled by a bioelectrical system that is connected to every organ, gland and nerve. When these channels become blocked, the body starts to malfunction and illness occurs. By using simple massaging techniques, these blockages are opened up and more oxygen and blood flow freely to the afflicted areas. This causes the muscles to relax and toxins to be released and eliminated. The body begins to heal itself. Acupressure has provided relief for such ailments as headaches, eyestrain, back pain, anxiety, ulcers, asthma and even deafness. Indeed, some experts claim that acupressure is a dynamic, often miraculous, approach to glowing health. Foremost among the advantages of acupressure is that it is safe to perform. There are no side effects from drugs for all you need is your own two hands. Best of all, you can practice acupressure any time, anywhere. 隨著醫療費用不斷地攀升,愈來愈多的人一直在尋求另類療法。許多人找到中國古代的指壓療法。 指壓的原理是藉著利用手指壓迫皮膚上某些關鍵穴道以刺激身體的自然治療能力。科學證據顯示身體是由生化電子系統來控制的。這個系統和每個器官、腺體和神經相連接。當這些連接管道阻塞時,身體就開始功能失調,疾病就產生了。藉著簡單的按摩技巧,這些阻塞被打通後,更多的氧氣和血液就很容易流到疼痛的部位。這可促使肌肉放鬆。毒素被釋放出來並排掉。身體自然不藥而癒。 指壓有助於解除病痛,諸如頭痛、眼睛疲勞、背痛、憂慮、潰瘍、哮喘甚至耳聾。的確,某些專家們宣稱指壓是一種動態的、超自然的,把健康寫在臉上的方法。 指壓的諸多好處中最重要的是安全性。它沒有藥物所產生的副作用。所需要的只是一雙手。最好的是,你可以在任何時間、地點做指壓。 單字一點通 1.alternative a. 可替代的 & n. 選擇 have no alternative but to V 除了……以外別無選擇 choice option 2.heal vt. 治癒 例:Time heals all wounds.(時間可治療一切傷痛。──諺語) 3.acupressure n. 指壓 digital a. 手指的 4.gland n. 腺體 5.malfunction vi. 故障; 功能不良 例:The engine often malfunctions. (這引擎常故障。) 6.afflict vt. 使痛苦 7.toxin n. 毒素 8.ailment n. 疾病 9.ulcer n. 潰瘍 a stomach ulcer 胃潰瘍 10.asthma n. 哮喘 11.dynamic a. 動態的; 充滿活力的 a dynamic person 充滿活力的人 12.miraculous a. 奇蹟似的 miracle n. 奇蹟 13.foremost a. 主要的 14.therapy n. 療法 15.metabolism n. 新陳代謝 片語大補帖 1.be on the rise 上漲中 例:Prices are on the rise.(價格在上漲中。) 2.be connected to... 和……連接在一起 be connected with... 與……有關聯 例:I was connected to the wrong person.(我的電話接錯人了。) The evidence shows that John is connected with the murder.(證據顯示約翰與該兇案有關聯。) 3.get rid of... 擺脫…… 4.attend to... 注意…… =pay attention to... 5.make up for... 補償…… =compensate for... 6.team up 團結 |
The very first Olympic games occurred in Greece around the year 776 B.C. The tradition continued on until 1896, when the first modern games took place. At that time thirteen countries and 300 athletes participated. Today, over 200 countries compete in the Olympics. The Olympic symbol of the five interlocking rings stands for the five competing continents: Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australia and Europe. The Winter and Summer Games are held every 4 years with 2 years in-between. The Olympic motto translated from Lating means "swifter, higher, stronger," and each year athletes break records as they live and breathe this slogan. Many athletes train 12 hours a day, 7 days a week in the hope of standing on a podium with a gold medal. Their dedication and drive make these men and women the best at their sport. Medal or not, these athletes are a symbol of motivation and an inspiration for us all. The very first Olympic games occurred in Greece around the year 776 B.C. The tradition continued on until 1896, when the first modern games took place. At that time thirteen countries and 300 athletes participated. Today, over 200 countries compete in the Olympics. The Olympic symbol of the five interlocking rings stands for the five competing continents: Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australia and Europe. The Winter and Summer Games are held every 4 years with 2 years in-between. The Olympic motto translated from Lating means "swifter, higher, stronger," and each year athletes break records as they live and breathe this slogan. Many athletes train 12 hours a day, 7 days a week in the hope of standing on a podium with a gold medal. Their dedication and drive make these men and women the best at their sport. Medal or not, these athletes are a symbol of motivation and an inspiration for us all. 第一次奧林匹克運動會約在西元前七七六年於希臘舉行。這個傳統持續到一八九六年,現代奧運會於這年首度舉行。當時有十三個國家及三百名運動員參加。今天已有兩百多個國家在奧運會競賽。 奧林匹克的五個連環標記象徵著參賽的五大洲:非洲、美洲、亞洲、澳洲及歐洲。冬季及夏季運動會均為每四年舉行一次,但彼此間隔兩年。奧運會的標語譯自拉丁文,意思為『更快,更高,更強』,而且每年都有運動員身體力行這個標語並打破記錄。許多運動員一個禮拜七天,一天十二個小時訓練自己,就是希望能夠站在受獎台上獲頒金牌。他們的全心投入與自我驅使造就了這些男女選手成為個別運動項目的頂尖高手。不論得獎與否,這些運動選手成為主動精神的象徵,也是對我們大家的一種鼓舞。 單字一點通 1.occur vi. 舉行 例:The meeting occurred at ten on the dot. took place was held (會議在十點整舉行。) 2.athlete n. 運動員 3.participate vi. 參與, 參加 (與in並用) participate in... 參加…… =take part in... 4.compete vi. 競爭 compete for... 爭取…… 5.interlock vt. & vi. (使) 連結 6.motto n. 座右銘 7.slogan n. 標語 8.podium n. 講台 9.medal n. 獎牌 10.motivation n. 動機 11.inspiration n. 靈感; 啟發 12.Antarctica n. 南極洲 片語大補帖 1.stand for... 代表…… =represent... 2....with 2 years in-between ……間隔兩年 3.break the record 打破紀錄 keep the record 保持紀錄 set a record 創紀錄 |
![]() 台灣珠寶商協會會議 歡迎參加第六屆台灣珠寶商協會年會。請參酌所附的議程表。除非另行排定,所有會議都將在向日葵廳舉行。 除了週六晚間的舞會之外,本週末的活動費用均已包括在內。票價每人僅收台幣三百元,兩人行則收五百元。我們希望看到每位都穿上舞鞋。讓我們盡興地玩吧!我們本週的座右銘是『會閃亮的東西就是黃金!!』 11月2日 星期五 下午 4:00~6:00向福爾摩沙飯店報到 6:00~6:30『歡迎會』 6:30~7:00晚餐 7:00~9:00社交活動 11月3日 星期六 上午 7:00~ 8:30早餐 8:30~ 9:00主持人:愛德華‧陳,台灣珠寶商協會理事長 9:00~11:00專題演講:『轉變中的珠寶銷售趨勢』 11:00~中午自由活動 中午~下午1:00午餐 1:00~3:00選擇一項下列研討會: 玫瑰花瓣廳:『增加銷售量』 向日葵廳:『玉石切割』 鬱金香廳:『鑽石珠寶出口新條律』 紫羅蘭廳:『結婚戒指設計』 3:00~4:00返回向日葵廳:選舉新理事長 4:00~6:30自由活動 6:30~7:00晚餐 7:00~凌晨1:00舞會 如有任何問題,請聯絡羅斯福路23號 總會辦公室麗沙小姐。服務專線:2331-7600 單字一點通 1.convention n. 會議 (尤指大會) 2.attached a. 被附加的 3.event n. 大事, 大活動 4.motto n. 格言; 座右銘 例:My father's motto is "Haste makes waste."(我爸爸的座右銘是『欲速則不達』。) 5.social mixer n. 社交活動/派對 6.seminar n. 研討會 7.conference n. 會議 (尤指記者會) a press conference 記者會 8.petal n. 花瓣 9.glitter vi. 閃爍 10.tulip n. 鬱金香 11.violet n. 紫羅藍 片語大補帖 1.原文的"All that glitters is gold!!"實由下列真正的諺語改寫而成: All that glitters is not gold.(閃爍者未必是金;中看未必中用。── 諺語) 2.mingle with... 與……打成一片 例:Stubborn people find it hard to mingle with others.(固執的人很難與他人打成一片。) |
![]() ![]() 房地產出售 本華宅有三間臥室,建於一九八五年。廚房雖小,卻備有冰箱和爐具。廚櫃均為實心木材,去年才更換。客廳和臥房均鋪滿淡藍色地毯。一樓有洗衣機和烘乾機,都是全新的,仍附兩年保證期!千萬別錯過後院,那兒可一窺美麗的山景。本屋很快就會脫手。 單字一點通 1.property n. 房地產 (通常作集合名詞, 不可數) 2.gorgeous a. 極好的 (= wonderful) 3.carpeting n. 舖設地毯 carpet n. 地毯 4.replace vt. 替換 5.cabinet n. 櫃子 6.brand-new a. 嶄新的 a brand-new car 全新的車子 7.guarantee n. & vt. 保證 例:The TV is still under guarantee.(這部電視仍在保固期內。) Go and see that movie. I guarantee you'll enjoy it.(去看那部電影。我保證你會喜歡的。) 8.stunning a. 極漂亮的; 令人驚訝的 9.appliance n. 電器用品 |