2019年1月9日 星期三

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int ShapeOption=0; //使用者選擇形狀的變數
char want_to_continue = 'y'; //使用者選擇是否繼續的字元
int i=1; //使用者使用該程序次數之變數

char new_line = 'y';

for (want_to_continue = 'y';want_to_continue == 'y';i++) {

printf("這是第 %d 次執行\n",i);

if (ShapeOption==1) {
printf("|    |\n");
else {
printf("   /\\   \n");
printf("  /  \\  \n");
printf(" +----+   \n");



return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int ShapeOption=0; //使用者選擇形狀的變數
char want_to_continue = 'y';

char new_line = 'y';

do {


if (ShapeOption==1) {
printf("|    |\n");
else {
printf("   /\\   \n");
printf("  /  \\  \n");
printf(" +----+   \n");



while (want_to_continue == 'y');
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int ShapeOption=0; //使用者選擇形狀的變數
char want_to_continue = 'y';

char new_line = 'y';

while (want_to_continue == 'y') {


if (ShapeOption==1) {
printf("|    |\n");
else {
printf("   /\\   \n");
printf("  /  \\  \n");
printf(" +----+   \n");


return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
char new_line;
int ShapeOption; //使用者選擇形狀的變數
int rectangle_option; //使用者選擇矩形的大小
int triangle_option;//使用者選擇三角形的大小


if(ShapeOption==1) {


if(rectangle_option==1) {
printf("|    |\n");

else if (rectangle_option==2) {
printf("|      |\n");
printf("|      |\n");

else if (rectangle_option==3) {
printf("|        |\n");
printf("|        |\n");
printf("|        |\n");

else if (ShapeOption==2) {


if(triangle_option==1) {
printf("   /\\   \n");
printf("  /  \\  \n");
printf(" +----+   \n");

else if (triangle_option==2) {
printf("   /\\   \n");
printf("  /  \\  \n");
printf(" /    \\  \n");
printf("+------+   \n");

else if (triangle_option==3) {
printf("    /\\   \n");
printf("   /  \\  \n");
printf("  /    \\  \n");
printf(" /      \\  \n");
printf("+--------+   \n");

return 0;
task main (){
 SetSensorLight (IN_1);
 SetSensorTouch (IN_2);

 int continue_criterion = 1;
 while (continue_criterion == 1) {
  Wait (200);
  if (Sensor(IN_1)>30){
  else if (Sensor(IN_1)>30 && Sensor(IN_2)==1) {
task main(){
 int switch_no;

 NumOut(0, LCD_LINE1, Sensor(IN_1));
 NumOut(0, LCD_LINE2, Sensor(IN_2));

 if(Sensor(IN_1)>30){                             //狀況1桌面淺色:直走

 else if(Sensor(IN_1)<30 && Sensor(IN_2)==1){     //狀況2桌面深色且碰到東西:原地旋轉
  case 1:
  case 2:

2019年1月8日 星期二

all athletes aspire to be the best in their sport, and young athletes are no different. more young athletes now aim to win competitions, set records, or perform amazing feats. and some, like dutch sailor laura dekker, achieve that goal.
as a child, laura dekker loved the sea. she wasborn on a boat in new zealand,and has hardly stepped off one since. laura first sailed by herself at age six, displaying a talent for understanding her boat and the confidence to control it. at 13 years old, laura felt ready for the biggest challenge of all: she wanted to set the record for the youngest person ever to sail around the world alone.
before she could do that, she had to face many challenges. while her parents were confident that she could do it, the dutch goverment tried to stop her, arguing that she was too young to risk her life. many people also felt that she should be focusing on her studies. after a long battle, she finally got permission. she had to go for classes to learn how to care for herself while alone at sea, and had to use a bigger boat than she was used to. to avoid falling behind in her studing, she had to sing up with a special distance-learning school and promise to do her homework at sea.
finally, at the age of 15, laura was ready. on january 20, 2011, she set out form the island of st.maarten in the caribbean on her 38-foot (11.5-meter) sailboat, guppy. her trip lasted 500days in total, partly because she had to stop at different ports to study and check her boat. during this time, she visited exotic islands like the galápagos, bora bora, and vanuatu, and also found time to go surfing, scuba iff diving. she even discovered a new hobby: playing the flute! laura was alone for most of her journey, but she kept a blog that was read by many people around the world.
layra returned to st.maarten at the age of 16 years and 123 days, and was greeted by her family, friends, and many fans. she had become the youngest sailor to circle the globe alone. however, guinness world records and the world sailing speed record council did not verify her claim, saying they no longer recognize records for youngest sailors because it could encourage other young people to do dangerous things. despite this, laura felt a sense of achievement. she said that spending so much time alone on her trip helped her to focus on the important things in her life. "i became good friends with my boat," laura said. "i learned a lot about myself."
yani tseng is one of the brightest stars of the golfing world, not to mention a superstar in taiwan, where she grew up. by the age of 22, she had achieved things most golfers can only dream of. she had been named lpga player of the year twice, and was the youngest professional golfer-male or female-to win five major tournaments.
yani started playing golf when she was very young, thanksto her enthusiastic parents who are both golfers. her father gave her a set of golf clubs when she was only five years old. at 13 years old, she told him she wanted to take up golf as an occupation. just one year later, yani won the callaway junior world golf championships and went on to become the top amateur player in taiwan. she finally started playing in professional tournaments when she was 18 years old, and then her career really took off.
brittany lang, who came second to yani at the women's british open in 2011, calls her "unbelievable". she says yani is "so mentally strong and she's so aggressive and confident. she's just got it all. it's pretty cool to watch."
but yani was not always so confident, especially off the golf course. when she first left her home to start playing in international tournaments, she didn't speak english very well. she struggled to communicate with other golfers and had to use an interpreter for interviews. because she was shy about her english, yani had a reputation as a very  quiet person. yani's coach, gary gilchrist, says that studying english has helped yani chang this. "she worked so hard to improve her english," said gilchrist. "now her confidence is a 9 on a scale of 10."
today, yani is well known for her big smile and sense of humor. she loves to chat and joke with reporters, fans, and other golfers. once, before a tournament near her home in florida, yani invited a number of golfers and golf reporters to her place for a dinner party. halfway through the party, she decided to dress up as harry potter, and even gave a speech wearing her black coat and round spectacles.
as a teenager, yani looked up to abult golfers like annika sorenstam and saw them as her role models. today, she herself hopes to inspire young girls to take up golf, the same way sorenstam influenced a whole generation of women golfers. yani is also an inspiration to people trying to pick upenglish. her advice to english learners: "keep talking. i'm not afraid to be talking to other people, no matter what i say. i'm learning from the way [i talk] to you, and the vocabulary, i use it for the next time [i talk]."

did you know that your small intestine is nearly six meters long? or that there are about 60 muscles in your face, and you use 40 of them to frown but only 20 to smile? how about the fact that our bodies consist of 73 percent water, and that our hearts beat over 100,000 times each day? you really are amazing!
the human body is a complex machin. from the day we are born, our bodies grow and change in response to our environment, diet, and habits. the body has many different organ systems and parts that work together to allow us to breathe, move, see, talk, and digest food all at the same time. most of the time we are unaware of what is happening in our bodies; usually it is only when we get sick or feel pain that we notice.
many people do not take care of their complex machines. bad habits like smoking, drinking too much alcohol, and eating junk food damage our bodies. stress can also cause health problems. people who worry a lot or have busy jobs often don't get enough sleep, or don't eat properly. we can also damage our bodies when we play sports or get into accidents. studies done by the australian government show that most people get hurt because of an accidental slip or fall, or because of injuries from car accidents. it's true that a lot of people go to hospital because of serious illnesses, but far more people end up there because they simply weren't being careful.
like machines, different body parts sometimes wear down from old age. people over the age of 65 are more likely to fall and hurt themselves, and these injuries—from bad cuts to broken bones—usually require serious medical attention. due to the increase in the population of elderly people, gerontology is now one of the fastest-growing areas of medicine. there are many treatments available to help older people recover from illness and injury. it is now common for older people with damaged joints, for example, to have surgery to replace the old joint with a new one made of plastic or metal. instead of suffering aches and pains through their retirement days, older people are able to lead happier and more comfortable lives.
as with any machine, the better you take care of it, the longer it will last. the best way to take care of your amazing machine is to eat the right foods, do regular exercise, and get enough sleep. oh, and don't forget to smile!

the dictionary defines a scrapbook as "an empty book for collecting and preserving photographs, newspaper articles, and other papers." today, scrapbooking is also a verb—and a popular new hobby. we talked with diane lucas, who runs a scrapbooking club.
what is scrapbooking exactly?
when i make a scrapbook page, i take a few of my family photos and put them into a "layout", which is a page that uses fancy paper, stickers, drawings, and words to show the theme. for example, i'm working on a page about my son called "first day at school," so there's a photo of him and one of his drawings, and i decorated it with alphabet stickers. i use lots of things on my pages—ribbons, stickers, beads, and much more. when you make a scrapbook, you put words and pictures together to show the important times in your life. it's like a personal history.
how did you get started?
when i was a child, i always saved bits of paper. things like movie tickets, vacation postcards,and even paper napkins. i loved looking at them and remembering. i made my first scrapbook ten years age when my father died. when i looked through his desk, i found the most wonderful things—like my parent's anniversary cards and photos from his army days. i couldn't throw away anything, so i made two scrapbook, one for my brother and one for me.
how do you learn about new scrapbooking techniques and trends?
the internet is a great resource for new ideas. many new "scrappers"—people who make scrapbooks—work from their computers, using digital photos and special software. but my favorite place to get new ideas is at scrapbooking trade shows. these shows feature new materials and techniques, offer workshops, and are a great way to meet people with the same interests.
why is scrapbooking so popular these days?
i think people want to preserve their family history and display it for other people to see. when you make a scrapbook, you can pass the stories on to your children and your grandchildren. so many people today want to do that! in the u.s. alone, there are 2,500 lss's (sorry; that's local scrapbooking stores!) that sell paper and other supplies for scrapbooking. if you go online, you'll find scrapbooking websites from norway, new zealand, and south africa. it's universal. we all have boxes of pictures and we all want to keep those precious memories. that's the real meaning of scrapbooking: sharing your family experiences and your story.

2019年1月7日 星期一


崔浩出身於著名世族,博覽經史,善於陰陽五行及術數之學,歷仕道武帝、明元帝、太武帝三帝,官至司徒,經常參與軍政機要,深受太武帝的信任結識寇 謙之之後,信奉道教,受其法術。寇謙之早年就熱中仙道,修持漢末張陵、張衡、張魯創立傳承的五斗米道,隨方士入華山、嵩山學道修煉,自詡曾有太上老君授他 天師之位及《云中音誦新科之誡》二十捲。在明元帝末年,寇謙之從嵩山入平城,結交崔浩,常通霄達旦聽崔浩談論古代治亂史,為之嘆美。後來,寇謙之把儒家學 說和佛教經律論及齋戒祭祀儀式吸收到道教中來,重新改造五斗米道,期使北魏帝王容易接納。
太武帝的廢佛行動,始自太平真君五年(444年)的彈壓沙門,他下令上自王公,下至庶人,一概禁止供養沙門,並限期交出藏匿的沙門,若有隱瞞,滿門 抄斬。翌年,盧水的胡人蓋吳在杏城(陝西黃陵)起義,有眾十餘萬人。七年,太武帝親自率兵前去鎮壓,到達長安時,在一所寺院發現兵器,懷疑沙門與蓋吳通 謀,大為震怒,下令誅殺全寺僧眾。崔浩趁機勸帝滅佛,於是太武帝進一步推行苛虐的廢佛政策:誅戮長安的沙門,焚燬天下一切經像。一時之間,舉國上下,風聲 鶴唳。
當時太子拓跋晃監國秉政,一向篤信佛法,再三上表,向太武帝勸阻,雖然都不被採納,但也由於如此,廢佛的詔書得以緩宣,而使遠近的沙門聞訊逃匿獲 免,佛像、經論亦多得密藏;然而魏國境內的寺院塔廟卻無一倖免於難,史稱太武法難。廢佛後不久,寇謙之病死,崔浩後來也因撰《魏史》,書中蔑視胡族而遭腰斬,其族人被誅者百餘人。廢佛後六年,太武帝駕崩,文成帝即位,下詔復興佛教,佛教才又逐漸恢復發展。

第二次的廢佛事件發生在北周武帝之時距北魏太武帝的廢佛,約有一百一十餘年。武帝宇文邕,繼明帝之後即位,後改元保定。北周繼西魏之後,統領關隴 地區,這一帶從晉代以來佛教盛行,其中長安曾有鳩摩羅什的僧團在此長期譯經傳教,影響很大。當時,全國的僧尼有兩百多萬人,佛寺有三萬多所。北朝的歷代帝 王,不少都篤信佛教,北周武帝即位之初,也依照先朝往例,禮敬沙門但由於他勵精圖治,一心想用儒術平治天下,因此最重儒術。他在親政前,曾多次召集臣 僚、沙門、道士討論釋、道、儒三教的問題。當時,他對佛教並沒有特別憎惡排斥的觀感。顯然的,他後來的廢佛政策,主要是受到衛元嵩和道士張賓的影響。
衛元嵩是四川成都人,精通陰陽曆算,性情譎詐。年少時隨益州野安寺亡名禪師為沙彌,不耐清苦,佯裝狂放,以吟詩詠賦來博取聲名,並四處向人預卜未 來。後來還俗,從四川到長安,結交北周權貴。天和二年(五六七),他向武帝上奏:寺塔佛像對國家治安無益,應該刪減。徹底改革佛教,將佛教納入國法的規範中。以經濟措施改革佛教界貪婪腐敗的風氣。《廣弘明集》卷七記載,衛元嵩的奏文共列有十五條:勸行大乘、勸念貧窮、勸舍慳貪、勸人發露、勸益國民、勸獠為民、勸人和合、勸恩愛會、勸立市利、勸行敬奉、勸寺無軍人、勸立無貪三藏、勸少立三藏、勸僧訓僧、勸敬大乘戒。
又據《廣弘明集》卷八記載,當時民間普遍流傳著一句讖語,說「黑衣當得天下」。深信讖緯之學的武帝,對此預言非常忌諱,衛元嵩和道士張賓就乘機譭謗 佛教,指沙門身穿黑衣,必為國禁,道士穿黃衣,必為國祥。武帝聽信他的話,漸漸重道輕佛。天和四年,先後四次召集佛、道、儒三教學者,論議教義的高低。武 帝的本意,想以儒教為先,佛教為後,道教最上,但因幾次聚眾議論,三教各執一詞,因此懸而不決。後來甄鸞上《笑道論》,道安上《二教論》等書,極力為佛教 辯護,破斥道教。武帝對於佛道二教互相攻擊,極感不快,敕令暫時擱置二教優劣的議論。建德二年(五七三)十二月,又召集群臣、道士、沙門等,辯論三教先後,結果以儒教為先,道教次之,佛教最後。如此一來,引起佛教界的激烈反應,先後有猛法師、道積等人的抗旨直諫。建德三年,武帝已決心毀佛,召集僧道二眾在太極殿辯論,張賓極力斥佛揚道,卻被智炫法師論破,武帝乃親自升座,試圖加以論難,不料智炫法師應對安詳,陳義甚高,武帝在盛怒之下離開太極殿。次日, 下詔廢佛、道二教,破毀寺塔,焚燒經像,勒令沙門、道士還俗。當時,被迫還俗的沙門有二萬多人,關隴一帶的佛法被破壞殆盡。

唐代佛教雖是中國佛教史上的黃金時代,然而,唐代各朝帝王對佛道二教的態度頗為不同,有的揚佛抑道,有的佛道並奉,也有不少位帝王崇道而抑佛。唐高祖奉道教始祖李耳為祖先太宗曾下詔置道教於佛教之上武后則改佛教在道教之上玄宗曾採納姚崇的奏章,令僧尼還俗,他雖然尊崇道教,但仍一度敕令註釋 《金剛經》流傳天下憲宗時,韓愈諫阻迎佛骨,寫《論佛骨表》、《原道》等排斥佛教在穆宗、敬宗、文宗之世,都還依歷朝慣例,在宮中設齋行道,但敬宗本人篤信道教文宗時已有毀佛之議,而且曾經禁止度僧及營建寺院到了武宗,更是全面性地崇信道教,貶斥佛教。
另一方面,雖然歷經幾位帝王的崇道抑佛,但佛教在民間的力量反而越加熾盛,僧尼的人數越來越多,寺院也越建越廣。寺院往往領有廣大的莊園,並可免除徭役;而僧尼、寺院激增的結果,不免增加國庫的負擔。當時不少士大夫基於儒家治術的觀點,認為佛教的蓬勃發展將危害國家的經濟,因而大加抨擊。唐武宗時, 排佛的呼聲越演越烈,這使得本已篤信道教的武宗更加決心毀佛。這時,道士趙歸真與宰相李德裕推波助瀾,趁機煽動,佛教因而面臨一場「三武一宗」法難中最大 的破佛事件。
會昌元年(八四一)元月四日國忌日,敕令行香,設千僧齋;但六月十一日的武宗誕辰之日在大內設齋時,敕令兩街供養大德及道士四對論議,其中有兩位道士被賜紫衣,卻禁止釋門大德披著紫衣。武宗在即位之前就喜好道術修攝之事,曾經召請趙歸真等八十一人入宮,在三殿修金籙道場,並親受法籙。會昌元年的六月 中,又召衡山道士劉玄靖入內,與趙歸真同修法籙。
武宗廢佛的政策,是採取漸進方式的,從史料看,其法令之嚴酷,與日俱增。會昌四年三月,下令不許供養佛牙、佛骨,如果違反法令,送一錢供養者,即杖打二十下,一時之間,寺院的四處,人跡斷絕。而在宮中的內道場,歷來往例均安置佛教經像,武宗卻下令焚燒經教,拆毀佛像,在道場內安置天尊老君之像。六月,在武宗誕辰日,首度不召僧入內議論。又不許僧尼在街裡行走,如有外出,需在鐘聲未響前歸寺;也不許別住他寺,違者敕罪。由於武宗深信趙歸真,趙乘隙進言,認為佛教並非中國本有的宗教,蠹害生靈,應該盡除。於是,是年七、八月開始,發動空前的法難,敕令拆毀天下山房、招提、蘭若、普通佛堂、義井、村邑齋 堂等,凡是寮房未滿兩百間,或沒有獲頒寺額的道場,則勒令僧尼還俗。


唐朝後期唐武宗會昌滅佛,是中國佛教的由盛而衰的分水嶺。由於唐武宗崇道滅佛,毀寺減僧,銷毀經卷,使佛教受到毀滅性打擊,使原來唐朝鼎盛的宗派唯 識宗、華嚴宗、天台宗幾乎滅盡。後來到了宋朝,天台宗和華嚴宗才從朝鮮和日本重新迎回論集,開始有點恢復,而唯識宗則一直衰落下去。


2019年1月3日 星期四

18:20 郁翔⚓ 11不良的施工可能會降低混凝土之強度,小心翼翼地做好每個步驟才能做出品質良好的混凝土,一點也不能馬虎,當看到成品時滿滿的成就感,付出的努力完全沒有辜負期待
18:22 郁翔⚓ 1 做了迷你坍,度試驗後大概知道步驟,等到作正常比例的坍度試驗比較熟悉不會慌張,是一個很好的練習
18:26 郁翔⚓ 4 高中時以理論派為主,直到上大學才開始接觸真正的材料試驗,發現一切不是像課本說的那麼簡單,需要經過長時間等待,耐心的監督才有辦法完成好的成品
18:26 郁翔⚓ B10733066 黃郁翔

2019年1月2日 星期三

#include "NXTMMX-lib.nxc"
#define SensorPort S3
int Addr = 6;
task LowerFork();
task LiftFork();
task main()
 MMX_Init( SensorPort, Addr, 0 );
 PlayTone(TONE_C4, MS_500);

 MMX_Run_Unlimited(SensorPort, Addr, MMX_Motor_Both, MMX_Direction_Forward, MMX_Speed_Full);
 RotateMotorEx(OUT_AC, 100, 1114, 0, true, true);
 RotateMotorEx(OUT_AC, 100, 470, -100, true, true);
 RotateMotorEx(OUT_AC, 100, -1910, 0, true, true);
 RotateMotorEx(OUT_AC, 100, 470, 100, true, true);
 while (Sensor(IN_4)==0)
  OnFwdSync(OUT_AC, -100, 0);
 MMX_Run_Unlimited(SensorPort, Addr, MMX_Motor_Both, MMX_Direction_Reverse, MMX_Speed_Full);
 PlayTone(TONE_C5, MS_500);
task LowerFork()
  while (Sensor(IN_1)==0)
  OnFwd(OUT_B, 100);
task LiftFork()
 RotateMotor(OUT_B, 100, -7200);