Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following short talk. ( 請點選按鈕 ) |
According to the local authorities, there has been a group of armed robberies of convenience shops and small eateries in the Upper Bay area over the last two weeks. As many as 30 different locations have been hit by what police believe to be the same gang or network of gangs, based on their habit of leaving visual evidence of their visit such as a spray painting tag or logo at each crime scene. The logos vary in subject matter, but all of them share the same combination of colors, typically green and yellow, or green and pink. Police Chief Wiggum is not commenting on the matter at this time, but establishments in the Upper and neighboring Lower Bay areas are being asked to take extra precaution and police vehicles in the area are being reinforced and are on high alert. 根據當地政府機關指出, 在過去兩個星期, 有一票持有武器的便利商店和飯館搶犯在上灣區出沒. 根據搶犯在犯罪現場留下的證據, 像是噴漆或是標誌, 警察相信是同一票搶犯或是犯罪集團已經在30個不同的地點犯案. 這些標誌根據犯罪對象不同而有所不同, 但所有的標誌都有相同顏色組合, 基本上像是綠色和黃色, 或是綠色和粉紅色. 警長Wiggum 目前並沒有對這此事件表示任何的意見, 但警長以對上城和鄰近的下灣區部屬警力,並加強警車和預防措施. arm v 持有槍械 robbery n 搶犯 precaution n 預防措施 reinforce v 加強 |
Questions 4 through 6 refer to the following short talk. ( 請點選按鈕 ) |
Many people overlook the possible risks involved in scuba diving, and as a result, there are several fatalities per year resulting from ignorance and poor safety measures. Going to depths greater than 5 meters below the water surface creates a high level of pressure on the body. Thus, it is necessary to 'depressurize', or clear air bubbles from the ear canals. Most of us have done this before, perhaps on a plane ride or driving up into the mountains. Failure to do so can cause eardrums to collapse. Air becomes compressed under pressure, so the lungs become smaller with greater depths under water. When the diver rises, the air in the lungs expands, causing the lungs to expand simultaneously. If the diver rises to the surface too quickly, massive damage can be caused to the lungs. As a result, divers must rise to the surface slowly, and continue exhaling as they ascend. Finally, divers must remember to monitor their oxygen levels, always stay with a partner or 'dive buddy' in case they run out of oxygen and can share, communicate using gestures with co-divers, and be aware of underwater hazards such as sharks, poisonous creatures, and sharp coral. 許多人都忽略深潛時的可能危險, 因此, 每年有數起死亡事件由於無知和安全考量不足引起的. 潛入水面五公尺深下處會造成身體上的高壓. 於是減壓或清除耳道上的氣泡是很必要的. 我們大部份都曾經做過這件事, 也許是在飛機上或在山路上開車. 沒有做這個動作會導致耳膜的破裂 . 壓力會壓縮空氣, 所以肺部會隨著水中深度增加而縮小. 當潛水者往上潛, 肺部裡的空氣增加會造成肺部同時間的擴張. 假使潛水者過於快速的往上升, 肺部將會嚴重的受損. 因此, 潛水者必須慢慢的往上升, 然後不停止的吐氣. 最後, 潛水者一定要記得檢查氧氣的存量, 一直待在同伴或潛水夥伴的身邊以防氧氣耗盡. 他們可以以手勢和彼此溝通,分享水中的危險, 像是鯊魚, 有毒的生物或是尖銳的珊瑚礁. as a result 因此 fatality n (因意外) 死亡; (宿病) 不治死亡 ignorance n 忽視,忽略 depressurize v 減壓 hazard n 危險 poisonous adj 有毒的 canal n 運河,(動植物) 管,道 compress v 壓縮 simultaneously adv 同時地 massive adj 大範圍的 ascend v 上升,攀登, 追朔至某時間 (+to) oxygen n 氧氣 |
Questions 7 through 9 refer to the following short talk. ( 請點選按鈕 ) |
We are pleased to announce that this Sunday KNN will be broadcasting live from the Shaw Conference Center, where Three Houses Down will be performing their first show of their North American tour. KNN will be offering exclusive coverage, so make sure to tune in to catch the first and best commentary on the show. We will even be broadcasting a handful of their songs live, for those who couldn't get tickets to the sold-out show. On top of this we are having a special contest. We are giving away season tickets for all Shaw Conference Center events to the first five people who call in when you hear Three Houses Down's latest single, 'I love you 99'. And remember, the number is 444-4KNN. This Sunday night, don't miss it! 我們很高興告訴大家這個星期日KNN會現場直播Three Houses Down 在Shaw會議中心的北美巡迴之旅第一場表演. KNN將會提供獨一無二的報導, 所以別轉台,我們會有最棒的第一手報導. 我們甚至會現場直播他們的歌曲給那些無法參加這場銷售一空的演出的聽眾. 除此之外,我們有一場特別的比賽. 我們會送出在Shaw會議中心所以的演出季票.當你聽到 Three Houses Down 的最新單曲'I love you 99', 前五個打來的聽眾朋友將會有機會獲得. 別忘記!電話是444-4566(444-4KNN). 這個星期天晚上, 別錯過了! broadcast v 廣播 exclusive n 獨家報導; adj 排外的, 獨有的 coverage n 新聞報導,覆蓋範圍 commentary n 評論 (+on), 實況報導 commercial n 電視廣告 advertisement n 報紙廣告 |
Questions 10 through 12 refer to the following short talk. ( 請點選按鈕 ) |
The Crisp Clean Cutter is guaranteed to be one of the most innovative inventions of the decade. Designed using the highest grade aluminum available, it slices through produce and other food items like nothing before it. Minimal effort is required for its razor sharp blade to glide unobstructed through even the thickest block of cheese or toughest loaf of bread. It requires no sharpening, is stainless and resistant to rust, and washes with a small amount of soapy water. We are giving a one-time special offer of one brand new Crisp Clean Cutter, case and replacement blades included, for a mere 49.95$. The Crisp Clean Cutter 保證是近十年最為創新的發明. 它用等級最高的鋁製造而成, 以前所未見的鋒利切穿任何的農產品和食物. 需要少少的用電量就已足夠讓銳利的刀片毫無阻礙的滑過即使是只最大塊的起司或是最硬的麵包. 它不需要磨刀, 不留痕跡而且防鏽, 只需要用些許的肥皂水及即可洗淨. 我們目前推出僅此一次的商品特惠活動, 包括全新的Crisp Clean Cutter連同盒子及替換刀片只要美金49.95元. guarantee v 保證 (+to); n 保證書, 抵押品 utensil n 器皿, 用具 compose v 組成 (+of); 作曲/詞; 使(人)鎮靜下來 mere adj 僅僅的 unobstructed adj 無阻礙的 replacement n 替代物 (+for); 取代 minimal adj 最小的 innovative adj 革新的 stainless adj 無鏽的 |
Questions 13 through 15 refer to the following short talk. ( 請點選按鈕 ) |
It is actually difficult to find the right words to summarize my journey. The sights were exquisite and absolutely photogenic. The sunsets were stunning, and so were the views. Yet when I recall the journey in my thoughts, it is not the things I saw that left the most lasting impression, but the people I encountered and the conversations I had during this adventure. I have never met such a heartwarming and honest population. Everywhere I went the people were intrigued by my presence and wanted to sit down and converse with me. Their laughter was contagious, and their hearts were warm and inviting. If I had a quarter for every smile I saw, I would probably be a millionaire. 要找到對的字眼對我這趟旅程做一個總結其實很不容易. 那些地點都是首選而且絕對都是攝影美景. 黃昏和景色美不勝收. 然而, 當我在腦海中回想起這趟旅程, 我曾看過最讓我印象深刻的並不是我所見的,而是我所遇的: 我在這趟探險中所遇見的人和有過的對話. 我從未遇過如此令人感到溫暖又實在的人們. 我去到的每個地方, 那裡的人都對我的出現感到很有興趣, 而想要坐下和我聊天. 他們的笑聲是如此的有感染力, 而他們的心溫暖又吸引人. 假如看到一個微笑, 我就可以得到二十五分錢, 那我可能已經是個百萬富翁了. summarize v 做摘要 index n 索引 contagious adj 有感染力的 intrigue v 有興趣的 exquisite adj 精緻的, 精選的 photogenic adj 優於攝影的 ambiguous adj c含糊不清的 narcissistic adj 自戀的 |